Snake River Rafting Maps

Snake River Rafting Maps

Whitewater Rafting and

Scenic Float Maps in Jackson Hole

The Snake River in Jackson flows through stunning landscapes, offering a variety of experiences, from exciting whitewater rapids in the Snake River Canyon to peaceful scenic floats out of Wilson. Whether you’re navigating the exhilarating whitewater or enjoying the scenic stretches on the Wilson float, these Snake River rafing maps will show you what to look forward to on each section of the river!

Snake River Canyon Whitewater Map

snake river whitewater rafting map in jackson hole

Whitewater Rapids

This rafting map shows all the rapids you will hit on your whitewater rafting trip in Jackson Hole! Here are some highlights:

  • West Table – The start of the whitewater stretch in the Snake River Canyon
  • Double Draw – Class III rapid that packs a punch!
  • Gauging Straights – Otherwise known as the mellow mile, is one of our safe swim zones. It’s a great place to jump in and enjoy the cold water of the Snake River.
  • Lunch Counter – Class III rapid and becomes Class III+ in higher flows. It is the largest rapid at high and mid-level flows!
  • Big Kahuna – Class III rapid, begins to appear at mid-level flows and is the main rapid during low flows.
  • Sheep Gulch – The takeout for the whitewater section

Snake River Scenic Float Map

snake river scenic float in jackson hole

Wilson Scenic Float

Enjoy the scenery of the Jackson Hole and views of the Tetons on this 13-mile Snake River float trip! Here are some highlights:

  • Wilson Bridge – The start of the scenic float stretch on the Snake River.
  • Views of the Tetons – Soon after the put-in, you’ll experience views of the Teton Range!
  • Osprey – These raptors are abundant in Wyoming and especially on this stretch of the Snake
  • Beaver Den – Keep an eye out for beavers in this section!
  • Eagles Nest – Bald Eagles often nest in Cottonwoods along the Snake River.
  • South Park Elk Refuge – The takeout is coming up, but not before we pass the Elk Refuge!